Why Might My Period Be Late

Is It Bad If Your Period Is Always Late

Why is my Period Late: 5 reasons you might not know – Pandia Health

There are many reasons why your period is late or skipped, and most, like stress, are no cause for alarm and your periods can return to normal with a few healthy lifestyle changes. However, to rule out any causes for concern, if you miss more than one period you may want to see your doctor for medical advice.

When To Talk To Your Doctor About A Late Or Missing Period

Most people who menstruate dont have a perfectly regular cycle. A couple days off here or there generally isnt cause for concern . However, you should speak with your doctor if youve ruled out a pregnancy and:

  • You havent had a period in over three months
  • Your periods are suddenly irregular
  • You notice there are more than 35 days between your periods
  • Your period lasts for more than seven days
  • You bleed between periods
  • Your periods are extremely heavy
  • Your periods are extremely painful

Any of the above could indicate a more serious underlying condition and, regardless, you should always bring up worrying menstrual cycle changes to your healthcare provider or ObGyn.12

Youve Lost Or Gained Weight

Severe changes in body weight can screw with your periods timing. Extreme increases or decreases in body fat, for example, can lead to a hormonal imbalance that causes your period to come late or stop entirely.

In addition, severe calorie restriction affects the part of your brain that talks to your endocrine system and gives instructions for the creation of reproductive hormones. When this communication channel is disrupted, hormones can get out of whack.

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Reasons Your Period Could Be Late Other Than Pregnancy

, Allure Magazine

Im late. These two words have a pretty powerful connotation. Say them to any fellow adult with the proper gravitas, and the person youre talking to may assume youre pregnant. Late periods and pregnancy, in many peoples minds, are inherently connected. One must mean the other, right? Wrong.

True, a late period can be an indicator that youre pregnant, but it can also be attributed to many other things or sometimes nothing. Menstrual cycles vary significantly when you are in your teens, breastfeeding, or going through perimenopause, Anna Druet, chief scientific researcher at female health app Clue, tells Allure. Beyond those times, its still very normal for cycles to vary, to an extent.

Before you even begin to get concerned about a late period, know that the timing of yours could vary by up to seven to nine days from one cycle to the next. Your body is not a clock, after all, and your cycle is constantly adapting to your environment, Druet says. Its much more common to have some variation than to be completely regular.

But that time of the month could be delayed for a specific reason. Ahead, eight things that might be keeping your period at bay.

Stopped Or Missed Periods

Why My Period is Late : Reasons of Late or Missed Period

There are many reasons why a woman may miss her period, or why periods might stop altogether.

Most women have a period every 28 days or so, but it’s common to have a slightly shorter or longer cycle than this .

Some women do not always have a regular menstrual cycle. Their period may be early or late, and how long it lasts and how heavy it is may vary each time.

Read more about irregular periods and heavy periods.

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Could I Be Too Stressed Out

Stress can be one of the most common reasons for getting your period 2 weeks early. First of all, stress is an unavoidable part of life, and we all have to deal with it daily. Secondly, times of increased stress can impact both your mental and physical well-being. This includes your period.

If youve been through an especially rough period in the past few months, suffer from anxiety, or notice other stress-related symptoms, you dont have to wonder why you got an early period. It happens because stress disrupts normal hormone levels, thus messing up your cycle. Focusing on relieving stress should make your cycle more consistent, too.

How Many Days After A Missed Period Is A Pregnancy Test Positive

Once youve missed your period, most pregnancy tests are accurate. But some people might have lower hCG levels that cant be detected by tests quite so soon. You can repeat a test 5 to 10 days after missing your period for more accurate results. A blood test can also accurately measure your hCG levels.


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Reasons Your Period Might Be Delayed

A typical menstrual cycle is considered to be 21 to 35 days.

The absence of menstruation during the reproductive years is called amenorrhea. For people who regularly have their period, if you go without it for 6 months, you may have amenorrhea. This condition affects about of females in the United States.

Amenorrhea can be caused by conditions that may include:

Substances that can help induce a period are called emmenagogues. Be aware that some emmenagogues are also abortifacients, which is a substance that can cause miscarriages in pregnancy.

Pregnancy warning

If theres a chance your period is late because you are pregnant, using emmenagogues to induce a period may terminate your pregnancy. This can be dangerous. If theres a chance you are pregnant, do not take these substances.

If you are trying any herbs, be sure to get them from a reputable source. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not monitor herbal supplements the same way they monitor other medications and drugs. While the FDA sets guidelines surrounding dietary supplements, supplements are not required to be proven safe to these standards before being sold. However, some safety monitoring steps are in place once they are in the market, such as the reporting of adverse events.

There may be concerns with quality, purity, or dosage. They may contain more or less of the ingredients on the label.

It is best to look for herbal supplements that may be verified by a third party, such as ConsumerLab or USP.

How Can You Tell Your Period Is Late

8 Reasons For Missed Period But Not Pregnant | VisitJoy

If you don’t have any known condition affecting your menstrual cycle, your period should start within 21 to 35 days of your last period, depending on your normal cycle. Regular periods can vary. If your regular cycle is 28 days and you still have not had your period on day 29, your period is officially considered late.

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Medicines And Medical Treatment

As discussed above, a number of contraceptive treatments can stop you having periods. Other medicines can affect periods too. Examples are some medicines for schizophrenia , an anti-sickness medicine called metoclopramide and strong painkillers called opiates.A number of operations may result in absent periods. For example, after a hysterectomy you will not have periods. A hysterectomy is an operation where the womb is removed. As the blood during a period comes from the womb, you will never have periods again afterwards. Another operation , which is sometimes done for heavy periods, also causes periods to stop. In this operation the lining of the womb is removed. This is not usually permanent and periods start again in time.

Treatments for cancer, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, can also damage the ovaries and result in absent periods. Recreational drugs such as heroin may also cause periods to stop.

How Soon Can You Tell If You Are Pregnant

Most health care providers recommend that you wait until the first day of your missed period to take a pregnancy test, because taking a test too soon after conception can lead to a false-negative result. However, some tests are more sensitive than others and can be taken as soon as 7 to 12 days after conception. The most precise way to determine pregnancy is to take a blood test to measure your level of hCG.

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What Counts As A Late Period

Despite what you may have thought, a one- or two-day delay in menstruation doesnt actually count as a late period.

Your period is officially late when its been more than 35 dayssince the start of your last menstrual cycle. Most menstruators have their periods about every 28 days. When its been more than 35 days since youve noticed any menstrual blood in your underwear, it could be a signal that something abnormal is happening within your body and that you may want to start paying closer attention to any other physical changes.1

Reasons For A Late Period

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Now that weve explained what qualifies as a regular menstrual cycle, lets go over why some people have late or irregular periods.

During the early stages of puberty, its common to have irregular cycles. Its normal for adolescents to have irregular cycles for the first three years after they get their period. This is because the ovaries may not be releasing an egg every month yet, since hormone levels are still changing. However, for people who are already past that phase, there are lots of other things that can cause a late period and irregular periods.

Here are eight common causes of a late period:

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Could You Be Pregnant

If you missed your period, answer these 4 questions:

  • Am I trying to get pregnant?
  • Have I had sex during my fertile days?
  • Have I not used contraception?
  • If you answered yes to all questions, there is a high chance that you are pregnant. But only a positive pregnancy test will confirm your suspicion.

    Should I Worry About Irregular Periods

    Talk to your doctor if you have had sex and have missed a period because you could be pregnant. Also let the doctor know if:

    • You were having regular periods that then become irregular.
    • You stop getting your period.
    • You have extra hair growth on the face, chin, chest, or abdomen.
    • You start having periods that last longer than 7 days, are heavy, or are coming more often than every 21 days.
    • Your period comes less often than every 45 days.
    • You have severe cramping or abdominal pain.
    • You have bleeding in between your periods.
    • Your periods are irregular for 3 years or more.

    The doctor may prescribe hormone pills or other medicines, or recommend lifestyle changes that can help you to have regular periods.

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    Why Is Your Period Late 10 Causes Of Delayed Periods

    Missing your period when a baby isnt due can be unnerving. There are a few factors that may be to blame.

    1. Excessive exercise or weight loss

    First of all, training for marathons or other extreme fitness forms can cause you to miss your periods.

    Having a sedentary lifestyle may trigger painful and irregular menstrual cycles. Conversely, over-exercising can stress your body. It may shut down its regular functions, like menstruation.

    2. Stress

    A traumatic event can trigger hypothalamic amenorrhea. The hypothalamus regulates menstrual hormones. Stress affects it and may cause you to miss your period.

    3. Thyroid Problems

    Thyroid imbalances may have adverse effects on your period. The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands, and the pituitary gland in the brand manages it. Therefore, it regulates the female hormones in the body. A damaged or malfunctioning thyroid may cause an irregular menstrual cycle.

    4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    PCOS refers to a group of symptoms triggered by excess androgens, or male hormones, in women. One of the signs of these includes irregular periods and difficulty conceiving. Women who have PCOS may have related conditions like Type 2 Diabetes or Mood Disorders.

    5. Obesity

    Weight problems can affect your hypothalamus and interfere with your menstrual cycle. Being either under or overweight can put stress on this gland.

    Being overweight can cause the body to produce too much estrogen, and cause you to have miss periods.

    6. Shifts in routines

    When To Call Your Healthcare Provider

    Does a late period = pregnancy? Reasons you might be late (PCOS)

    Missing a period every once in a while is usually not cause for concern. How much of a delay is normal for your period? It depends. On average, a menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but 40 days could also be within the range of normal. And your cycle will change throughout your life, so at some time, you’re likely to experience a late period when you’re not pregnant.

    That said, you should see a healthcare provider if you miss more than one period, or if your missed period is accompanied by new or unusual symptoms.

    Seek medical attention right away if you also experience any of the following:

    • New or worsening headaches

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    How Long After A Missed Period Should I Take A Pregnancy Test

    You should wait to take a pregnancy test until the week after your missed period for the most accurate result. If you dont want to wait until youve missed your period, you should wait at least one to two weeks after you had sex. If you are pregnant, your body needs time to develop detectable levels of HCG.

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    Sohow Much Of A Delay In Your Period Is Still Considered Normal

    âIf you have one or two irregular periods it is definitely something to pay attention to,â says Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn at Providence Saint Johnâs Health Center in Santa Monica, California. A period is considered late if it hasnât started five or more days after the day you expected it to begin, according to Summit Medical Group. So if your period is, say, 10 days late, definitely take a pregnancy test and check in with your ob-gyn regardless of the results. In general, if your flow has been MIA for a week or more, that’s a sign you should take the test and also check in with your gyno to see what might be going on.

    But again, you can miss a period and *not* be pregnant. If there’s no way you’re pregnant and/or your test comes back negative , one of these factors, including all the stress you might be under right now, may be to blame for your late period problems. Then, your next step is definitely calling your doc so they can help you suss out the best solution or treatment for your situation.

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    What Is The Menopause

    The menopause is when you have no periods and you will not be able to get pregnant naturally. This happens to women in their late forties to mid-fifties. Many women will notice that their periods completely stop, however others will see their periods become less frequents in the years and months leading up to the menopause.


    How To Improve Menstrual Regularity

    What Causes Your Period To Be Late If Not Pregnant

    Increased stress, along with diet and exercise changes, can affect your menstrual period. If you experience irregular periods and you have PCOS, chances are it is because of a hormone imbalance.

    The best ways to achieve a regular menstrual period if you have PCOS include:

    • Follow a healthy diet. Enjoy a diet that is rich in antioxidants and healthy fats as well as low in processed or sugary foods.
    • Exercise regularly. One study found that sedentary women with PCOS who exercised for 30 minutes on three days a week ovulated more regularly.
    • Take supplements. Supplements that have been shown to improve menstrual regularity and ovulation in women with PCOS include n-acetylcysteine, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and a combination of myo and d-chiro inositol.

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    How Does Stress Make Your Period Late Lets Break It Down

    Heightened stress levels cause an increase in the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Short bursts of stress hormones are not major issues for your hormonal balance. After the initial shock, stress hormone levels tend to return to baseline fairly quickly.

    Ongoing, chronic stress can cause a ripple effect to the delicate balance of your reproductive hormones which are responsible for keeping your cycles regular and symptom-free.

    Stress can lead to changes in the length of your period, as well as a whole host of other hormonal symptoms like PMS, painful periods, acne breakouts and fatigue.

    Delayed or missing periods arent truly related to your period arriving late, but rather late ovulation. Heightened stress causes the body to delay ovulating until a safer time arrives.

    Whilst a late period is anything but reassuring, it is actually a sign of our body trying to keep us safe. During periods of extreme stress, conceiving a child and adding more responsibility to our life is deemed an unsafe possibility.

    Your body has the ability to shut down or delay ovulation until a time that it feels your environment is safe again. This might be a few days or weeks, or it may be several months or years depending on the nature of your stress.

    It is a commonly held myth that your body can ovulate but then delay bleeding for several weeks or months. The part of your cycle which is delayed is almost always the follicular phase , rather than the luteal phase .

    What Are The Signs Of Implantation

    Implantation is the process when an embryo attaches itself to the uterine lining. It doesnt always cause symptoms. However, some people report feeling light cramping, headaches, and mood swings around the time of implantation. Implantation bleeding can occur around the date when you expect your period, but its usually lighter and only causes pink or brown spotting or discharge.

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